Hi, spent 8 hours trying to update my brand new unplayed Helix to latest firmware yesterday. After reinstalling latest uploader and helix app a million times, reverting back to previous installs, trying to manually reboot with various footswitch configurations, updating my Windows OS and sitting in the lotus position while praying to the heavens and eating a KitKat in perfect 3cm sections it turns out that the Helix just likes a very strong USB connection. I finally had success with plugging into a rear port of a good tower pc in update mode (footswitches 6 and 12 on startup). So if this happens to you, think of any friend that has a good gaming or music pc and plead them to let you update your pride and joy through their machine. I want to save you 8 hours of hell. If one person benefits from this Info then it was worth posting. Thanks for listening.