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Found 2 results

  1. Hi all, sorry posted it before in the wrong section, deleted the old post. i'm an happy long time user of Line6 Relay G50 wireless system, for all my gigs (I'm a bassist). I've recently purchased a wireless IEM system, i.e. XVive U4 with 6 channels available. However, I only realized after purchase that both work wirelessly at 2.4ghz frequencies! I live in Rome, Italy and, actually, dunno what are the usable frequencies both for my G50 and the Xvive: on my G50 I always used from 1st to 3th channels without issues, never tried the other 9 channels. Now, since I wanna go to gigs with both, I really appreciate your suggestions regarding the best channles combination to avoid interferences among the 2 systems. I retrieved on the user manual the 2.4Ghz Frequency Tables of the XVive U4 six channels, i.e.: CH 1: 2402MHz, 2480MHz, 2482MHz CH 2: 2408MHz, 2472MHz, 2474MHz CH 3: 2416MHz, 2464MHz, 2466MHz CH 4: 2434MHz, 2440MHz, 2442MHz CH 5:2427MHz, 2448MHz, 2450MHz CH 6: 2422MHz, 2456MHz, 2458MHz Regarding the G50 I'vent found anything on official manuals, only this topic and table: Based on the tables and values above, could you advise me on which channel to put on the g50 and what on Xvive, in order to avoid overlapping chanels and interferences\signal drops? Many thanks to u all! :)
  2. Hi, I'd like to buy a relay G50 system for my bass. I need to know BEFORE I buy, if it will conflict with the systems my bandmates are already using... There is one Shure GLX-D system, and the other is Intellitouch Freedom One. I believe both are 2.4Ghz systems, but beyond that I have no idea about the specifications or operating parameters of those rigs. Really would like to have the G50 system, but since they're already using wireless now, it wouldn't be cool to come in with something that is going to cause problems.... Thanks....
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