Some of you may remember the EQ/FX frequency response and IO Gains I measured a while ago. With all this talk on Cab DEP Parameters I decided to take my HD500 back into the lab and make measurements to see what these are doing. The question I have is what companion amp should I use (I cannot choose a cab w/o choosing the amp first)? It should be clean so it doesn't perturb the signal very much. I'm thinking the Blackface or Soldano Clean. Thoughts anyone?
Also, which mic & cab? I'd like these wideband & flat if possible.
I only want to vary the DEP parameters and hold the amp/cab/mic fixed. Otherwise, the report will be too busy and it will be hard to tell what's going in.
What I'll do is measure the amp frequency response w/o cab, then add the cab (w/ some mic), measure that, then vary the Cab DEP parameters and measure those.
So, which amp? Which mic? Which cab?