Hi guys
I've been using line 6 products for a while now and I just got myself a new DT50 head. I absolutely LOVE the tones I get out of it, but I'm having a difficult time updating it..
Is it possible to update my DT50 through my HD400 ? I connected it through a standard XLR cable and then connected the HD400 to my pc through USB, run Line6 monkey but had no luck.. Monkey wouldn't see the DT amp.
1. Is it possible to update the amp using the HD400 (no midi connection) ?
2. If not, is there any other way to update the amp without having to buy an extra usb/midi interface? (I'm only gonna use it once so I think it's kinda wasted money..)
3. If I dont update my amps firmware and just use the HD400 pre's to make my patches, is there any difference? From what I understand from the manuals, the update just adds the preamp models inside the amp so you can get the tones without the use of an HD device, right?
4. (and a bit off topic) - The negative feedback loops are set for each topology, ie. topology I will always have high amount of negative feedback, topology II medium etc regardless of the preamp I choose?
Thanks in advance and please forgive me if I ask something silly (noobie :) :) )