For years, people (including myself) have been complaining about how Podfarm reverts back to 16 Bit / 44.1 Hz even when the default in Windows control Panel on the playback tab for the respective device is actually set to 24 Bit /48 Hz (just do a Google search and you will find user inquiries to Line 6 for this subject dating back to 2010).
This is especially a problem when using the SPDIF Connection as it defaults to 24 Bit, meaning your cound crackles when Podfarm is operating at 16 Bit. Every time you load a new patch, it resets to 16 Bit. The way Line 6 has handled that (including in support tickets) was not overly impressive IMHO and seemingly geared at confusing people so they would give up and let it rest.
Here is how one can easily see the problem when using SPDIF out (the AISO Settings have nothing to do with this):
1) Open Start / Programs / Line 6 / Tools / Line 6 Audio-Midi Devices
2) If not already set as a default on your system, click "Sound Control Panel" and on the playback tab for the UX-2, select 24 Bit 48 Hz. Click ok.
3) Leave the Line 6 Audio-Midi Devices window open, observe the value in the "Driver Format" box and start Podfarm
4) Typically already with the start of Podfarm, the Driver Format resets to 16 Bit but maybe you are lucky and it does not. Your luck will run out if you load another patch (file /load) into Podfarm - latest by now, your Driver Format is reset to 16 Bit and your Sound crackles, if you use the SPDIF Connection 5) In order to reset it to 24 bit, go back to the Line 6 Audio-Midi Devices window, click Sound Control Panel, click on the playback tab of your UX-2 (you will be suprised to see it still at 24 Bit even though it says 16 Bit in the Driver Format box one page before, so you have to select any other value, press apply and then change back to 24 Bit and press apply again in order for the correct 24 Bit value to show and Register for the UX-2 - now you can play in 24 Bit until your next pacth change.
6) Interestingly enough, instead of selecting and applying twice as laid out under 5) you can also just press the "test" button on the playback tab and the UX-2 will reset to 24 Bit (attention: depending on your listening volume that nasty Windows chime sound can be damn loud). A lot of text above I know but I do not want to get "brushed off" again by Line 6 with a smoke granate. Here is in fact what I want from Line 6:
(1) Test it - follow the steps above and tell me if you can reproduce the same problem! (maybe others can try it too so we have a honest and representative result)
(2) Admit that it is a bug in Podfarm and tell us when it will be fixed FINALLY! I do not want to rant and I do not want to be impolite but seriously, this has bugged me for years and the fact that Line 6 has denied it p... me off. Line 6 - please advise!