My guitarist and I have recently switched amps to the Pod HD Pro, and he uses his old 6505+ to power his Pod, while I invested in a cheap solid state power amp (Crown XLS1000) to power mine. Although I don't mind my tone, I do like how his sounds more powerful and is easier to power live. We recently played at a bar that had no home monitors and I had to max my power amp to barely get loud enough to be heard. We play out of Vader and Mesa cabs, and our genre is more on the Death Metal side than anything else. I've decided to invest in a cheap tube head to power my pod while I save up for a 6505+, and a used Peavey Valveking (100w) and Crate Blue Voodoo (120w) came to mind, since they are both tube amps that I can run through the effects return and buy for around 300 USD, maybe less. My question is, has anyone tried powering their pod with either amp? It seems like it may be a decent temporary fix to my problem. That way we can at least be close tone and power-wise.