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Expression Pedal Help


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I have two basic questions:


1.  I have an Axe FX Ev-1 expression pedal.  I've connected it to exp-3 on the back of the Helix and it works, sort of.  When I configure the delay feedback to increase with the pedal, the pedal gets about halfway through the arc and reaches 100% then starts decreasing till I reach end of the expression arc.  What I want it to do is just go from 0% to 100% from the bottom of the expression arc to the top.


2.  Is it possible to have a pedal foot switch control a toggle back and forth between exp1 and exp2?  I don't want to go to the top of the pedal arc before I can switch it to between pedals using the built in pedal.  I hope this makes sense.


Thank you for the help.

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1. Is it a two-conductor pedal or TRS? the Helix is looking for a 2-conductor. That Mission pedal might just not work, or it might be possible to do some re-wiring or some such.


2. I'm pretty sure this is not possible. The only pedal you can switch is the one on the actual Helix floorboard itself.

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