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pod x3 live vs firehawk fx


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hi guys, I'm new to this forum and nice to meet you all :)


So I'm a home guitarist but sometimes I go jamming with my friend and I'm looking for a multi-fx unit that will suit me. I know the pod x3 live is already an old product but I got an offer for the pod x3 live with half price of the new firehawk fx, I don't really mind the lack of the ability to connect to the ios/android device since I will use my laptop as the interface. I got some extra pedals so I need the fx loop. I also have a solid state peavey amp but most of the time I will use the amp modelling from the multi fx since using the amp will be too loud in my environment.


To outline my post, this is the question that I need the answer:


- Is the firehawk fx worth the double price of the second hand pod x3 live?

- Which one is better to be used for home recording as the interface?

- Which one is more user friendly to edit the tone of your guitar?


Btw I'm a college student with no access for online shopping and I live in Singapore

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I think the first consideration is the importance you place on using your laptop as the editing interface for the device. They are both good audio interface devices (although the X3 Live has more flexibility in this regard) but the Firehawk FX editor is only iOS/Android compatible. There is no editor for Firehawk that runs on your laptop, just as there is no X3 editor that runs on mobile devices.


Make that decision first, then see if Firehawk is still a candidate.


If so then the audio interface features (for recording) become important. The X3 USB driver provides 8 selectable channels, including two dry signals (guitar and mic) for recording its output into a DAW. Firehawk offers two channels and no dry signal.The X3 supports recording vocals; Firehawk has no Mic input.


The X3 also gives you a license for the original Pod Farm program for plug-in post-processing of the recorded dry signal. The X3 and Pod Farm presets are (with minor constraints) compatible and transferable so that you can reproduce your recorded sound exactly when playing live. There is no tone-compatible plug-in processor for Firehawk.


.... And the X3 price is much better.....


The one area where Firehawk is a better option, in my opinion, is the tone itself. It includes some of the more recent HD modeling technology.


All in all I'd say you'd be better off with the X3.

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