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XT Live: Losing your settings when switching away from an effect you're editing [solved]

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I'm editing a patch ('memory channel').

I choose the delay section in the LED.

I set-up the analog delay the way I want it.

Now I want to just check it against the other delays offered.

I switch to the next one - analog delay with modulation. I set this up the way I like it.

Now I switch back to analog delay to A/B the two delays, and see which one I like the most.


BUT the setting of the analog delay has not been remembered! It defaults back to some weird factory setting.

Then I go back to the analog delay with modulation, and it has also changed back to a factory setting.


So basically, everytime you switch away from the effect you're working on, you lose the settings you just made?

Can anyone confirm this problem, and offer a suggested workaround?



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Yes, that's the way it works. It's by design - not a bug.


One workaround would be to use two (or more) copies of the preset under construction. Before changing the FX model, save the current preset and then copy it to another location. Go to the copied preset, make the change, and save it. Then swap between the two presets to compare.

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Thanks for the confirmation that I'm not doing something wrong.


What a pity that the effects default isn't the last used setting.

Then at least our starting point would be something that we dialed in ourselves (ie. more chance of it being usable and musical)

And that would also allow us to A/B effects in the same group without saving every change into patch and having to A/B the patches instead.


Oh well.

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