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Spider Iii Won't Boot Up


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I bought a spider iii amp in 2008 when I started to learn to play guitar and at the time, the amp only saw a couple of hours of use per day. Life got in the way and I put down the guitar until now. 


The amp still sounds great WHEN it boots up. Recently, I've found that when I turn it on, I see square blocks in the display screen and it doesn't make a sound. It often takes 5 or 6 attempts to power up before it will boot up correctly.


Is there a firmware patch or anything that can be done to help? I hate to think that what is essentially a brand new amp just won't work...


Thanks for reading!

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have the same issue.  I have owned this product for some time now, and I also have the "Black Box Syndrome."  I want to know why it is that I paid hundreds of dollars for this product only to have it fail after using it with the utmost caution and care.  I unplug it after use, and now that I have more time, I actually want to use it.  


Why is there no press release or something from Line 6 about this nonsense?  They need to own up to this.

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Press Release:

Nothing Last Forever.




I have the same issue.  I have owned this product for some time now, and I also have the "Black Box Syndrome."  I want to know why it is that I paid hundreds of dollars for this product only to have it fail after using it with the utmost caution and care.  I unplug it after use, and now that I have more time, I actually want to use it.  


Why is there no press release or something from Line 6 about this nonsense?  They need to own up to this.

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I appreciate your quick reply, Zap.  What do the boxes indicate?  How do we diagnose it?  There is nothing in the knowledge base about this from what I could find.


There was a class action lawsuit with Dell when something like this happened.  I don't understand why you feel the need to be immature in your response either, Zap.

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As i told the original poster... the boxes mean you need to take it to a service center.

YOU don't diagnose it... it's not user serviceable it is a solid state amp... and your problem is not typical... and therefore does not have any quick fix to my knowledge.


I personally found your post "i'm such a victim, Line6 has a conspiracy against me" to be far more immature. 

They've sold over a million spider amps... and because you found one guys post about a similar issue you are having...

(and i'm sure there are others with the same SYMPTOM, which does not necessarily mean the same root cause....)

you think there's some grand conspiracy to cheat you out of a few bucks.... come on now...

truth is things fail... it surely sucks when it happens... but that doesn't mean that there is some sort of overall defect or conspiracy...

that just means that you sir are unfortunate and unlucky in this instance... 

which is surely something like 3-5 years after you purchased your long discontinued amp.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, I just buyed and Spider III 75wts and it has a problem,  to cut out at seemingly random times with a periodic clicking sound. I have seeing in the intenet and it seems that I am not the only one with this issue. The real problem here is that I live in Mexico and I dont know how can I fix it. Could you please tell me if there is something that I could do? can you sell me and send me the damaged part?


Mi problem is exactly the same that this guy filmed:



Thanks in advance for your kind response



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 8 months later...
  • 2 years later...

Guys. I had this problem and i want to share my SOLUTION!!!!..... instead of reset by turning OFF> turn ON holding the CLEAN button for 5 SEC 

Do the same thing, turn OFF> Turn ON but holding the CRUNCH button for 5 seconds...

wahlah... it worked like magic and was not on forums or manuals!!!

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