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All parameter assignments.....GONE?!


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Anybody encounter this one? I've encountered it three times now in the last couple of weeks and it's got me pulling my hair out. I'm in a patch making edits, saving as I go, everything is hunky dory,  and suddenly "POOF", every footswitch/expression pedal assignment that changes a parameter of any block is GONE. Nothing does anything. The brackets are gone from the parameter values and nothing works. In every instance the saved version is messed up, so reloading it does nothing. The interesting thing is that it seems to know that there USED to be assignments because if I touch a footswitch it will move around between the parameters that were assigned to it. But what the values were is lost. I'm essentially stuck re-building the patch from scratch. And it's a big PITA. I'm not playing live these days, but I hate to think how such a "hiccup" would affect a guys set...

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Just lost another one. This time I was not actively editing, I turned the Helix on and a patch that was fine last night had lost all of its assignments. Different preset, different bank. Rather discouraging, hardly worth rebuilding the presets at this point. I suppose it's good that nobody else is chiming in that they've encountered this, as it would be terrible for product confidence. I've got a ticket in, haven't heard back yet. I was able to upload two presets that have experienced the failure, so hopefully that helps them. I'm not sure what the status of my warranty is, but I did buy a Protection Plan from Guitar Center. If I can find the receipt...

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I've been talking with Tech Support and they settled on installing firmware 2.71 (I was still on 2.70) to see if it resolves anything. Seems like a shot in the dark, but it is a sensible place to start. I gave the unit a "Footswitch 9+10" reset, updated to 2.71 without any issues, and reset it again. I'm not importing any of my old presets, going to start fresh. Which will be a chore, but I was kind of doing that anyway as it was forgetting everything. I will report back if anything develops. Or doesn't.

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