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Pedals 1 & 2


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HD500X & HD500X Edit Current Firmware and Software


I purchased a Mission Expression pedal, and I'm using it to ramp up volume, gain, reverb, etc. for a lead boost.  I'm loving the results for the most part. I can stomp it up to full blast or just feather it in as needed for a little extra. Works great most of the time.


Occasionally, when I'm building patches, I'll get a weird anomaly where the settings are right but the pedal(s) won't function by the settings.


One patch that I'm working on now, the toe switch turns on the wah as it should, but the volume pedal also on expression 1 stays in play.  This gives me a wah/swell, which might be cool in some applications, but isn't what I want for this patch.  I've tried unplugging and replugging the Mission Pedal in Expression 2,  disconnected from the HD500X Edit software & USB, and even rebooted the unit. Still stuck.


I'm wondering if there is a certain order that needs to be followed when setting up the two expression pedals. I have other patches that I've built doing the same thing, that work perfectly.


I opened a support ticket on this, but thought maybe someone who has experienced this might have come up with a solution.



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On 7/8/2019 at 8:42 AM, MarkCline said:

One patch that I'm working on now, the toe switch turns on the wah as it should, but the volume pedal also on expression 1 stays in play.  This gives me a wah/swell, which might be cool in some applications, but isn't what I want for this patch.  I've tried unplugging and replugging the Mission Pedal in Expression 2,  disconnected from the HD500X Edit software & USB, and even rebooted the unit. Still stuck.


This just means that the volume pedal is assigned to be controlled by EXP1... same as the wah. 

Open the Volume Pedals controller settings and change it to EXP2. Simply plugging in an external expression won't solve this. 


Another possibility... If this is a 3rd party preset the creator may have assigned the AMP volume to EXP1 as well. Therefore it seems like it works like a volume pedal, but it is really controlling the amp volume. In that case you need to remove the controller setting from the amp volume.

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