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Mark V channel switching


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I am trying to get my helix lt to change channels on my mark V 90 watt head with a voodoo labs control switcher. I have no Idea what I am doing. I believe I have it hooked up properly, but I cant get the helix to send the commands. I have no clue....


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Hi rorhoc!


DISCLAIMER: I don't own a Control Switcher or a Mark V Amp. The following and the attached Demo Preset came about as a result of reading the manuals for those devices.
If it doesn't work (or if it DOES), PLEASE get back to me.




By default, the Control Switcher is set to respond to both PC and CC messages. If you haven't changed that you're good. Otherwise, configure Control Switcher to PC or BOTH.
Connect Switch 1 to Amp Channel jack Channel 2.
Connect Switch 2 to Amp Channel jack Channel 3.

My assumption is that when both are OFF, Channel 1 is ON. The Mesa manual appears to have been written by someone who wanted you to buy the proprietary footswitch.


Load the attached Demo preset.

In Helix Stomp Mode, press Channel 1.
On the Control Switcher, make sure all buttons are OFF.
PRESS and HOLD button 1 and while holding, press button 4.
Lights will flash indicating preset SAVED.


In Helix Stomp Mode, press Channel 2.
On the Control Switcher, turn ON Button 1 ONLY.
PRESS and HOLD button 1 and while holding, press button 4.
Lights will flash indicating preset SAVED.


In Helix Stomp Mode, press Channel 3.
On the Control Switcher, turn ON Button 2 ONLY.
PRESS and HOLD button 1 and while holding, press button 4.
Lights will flash indicating preset SAVED.


You should now be able to switch channels.


Snapshot 1, which loads when the Preset loads, will select Channel 1.
Snapshot 2 will select Channel 2.
Snapshot 3 will select Channel 3.


The Snapshot changes are done using IC1. As soon as you set an IC (InstantCommand), that IC has the same value in ALL Snapshots of that Preset. If you look at the settings for Snapshot 4 you'll see that it is still set to select Channel 1 (PC#80), same as Snapshot 1. If you want Snapshot 4 to use Channel 2, you need to set IC1 in THAT Snapshot to PC#81 (like Snapshot 2). Channel 3 would be PC#82 (like Snapshot 3). So, for every Snapshot you use, you'll need to set IC1 for the correct Amp Channel PC#.


Let me know how it works (or doesn't!).


MKV Channel.hlx

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Load the attached Preset.


Connect Switch 3 to SOLO.

Note that the Channel switchers use PC#s. My choice of PC#s was totally arbitrary, any PC#s would have worked.

The SOLO button uses the CC# that controls Switch 3, NOT arbitrary.

DO NOT follow the same instructions I gave for the Channel switching!

Just connecting the jacks and sending the CC# should do the trick, but changing channels MIGHT also turn OFF SOLO. Preventing that could be complicated.


Let me know.



Edited by rd2rk
Error in attached file, file removed
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It is working. Sorry, I havent been to the forum since then. I havent set it up to play yet, cause I have to build presets in 4CM and Im a noob, and Im having to learn songs for my band, so free time is spent playing. Im gonna figure it out so I wont buy any more standalone pedals :0

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56 minutes ago, rorhoc said:

It is working. Sorry, I havent been to the forum since then. I havent set it up to play yet, cause I have to build presets in 4CM and Im a noob, and Im having to learn songs for my band, so free time is spent playing. Im gonna figure it out so I wont buy any more standalone pedals :0


Thanks. Have fun!

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Does the wall socket have a proper ground?

Plug everything  (including computer and anything connected to it if you're in any way connected to it) into the same power strip to eliminate Ground Loops.

Then try the GROUND Switch on the Helix (between the Loops and the XLRs).

Center the SEND LEVEL knob on the amp. In Global Settings>Ins/Outs, experiment with the Send/Return Levels. Start by setting them to INST.

If it's still too noisy turn DOWN the SEND LEVEL Knob on the amp.

If it's still too noisy, play with everything else on your amp. Those things have more controls than the space shuttle.


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