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Simple DIY Pedalboard for HX Effects


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Hi Everyone,


I'm fairly new here, just got a HX Effects about 4 weeks ago.  I wanted to build a simple pedalboard for it, an expression pedal, a drum machine/looper pedal, and a tablet page turning pedal.  I still have some room on the board for a wireless receiver and a small MIDI controller in the future.  I'm powering the HX Effects with its standard power supply under the board along with another power supply for the other pedals.  I did find a power strip with the right plug orientation ( to allow the HX Effects power supply to fit in line with it.  I thought I'd share what I built in case others are looking for a simple do-it-yourself pedal board.  I'm using my HX Effects with a Boss Nextone amp in 4 cable mode.  I saw someone else use braiding to keep their cables nice and tidy so I looked up the method for making a 4 rope round braid on the internet and followed the directions to make a nicely braided cable snake for my board.  I'm really pleased with the way it all turned out.


The board is made from solid pine wood.  The top board is a 1x10 cut to 28 inches long.  I used a 1x2 on the front edge to tilt up the board and make room for the power supplies underneath.  I had to use a router to make a pocket in the underside of the 1x10 to get the necessary clearance for the power supplies and power strip.  If you don't have a router, you'd need to raise the board a little higher with some extra rubber feet.  I also added an on/off switch in the power line of the power strip to make it easy to turn the entire pedalboard on and off.  Everything was then painted flat black.  The power strip and power supplies were attached under the board using silicone caulking to hold them in place.  The pedals were attached with velcro and wiring was done with zip tie methods.  I've attached a bunch of pictures to show the build.












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