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Completely stuck


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So, I bought this new Amplify 75 amp and upon trying to update the firmware, it appears I put the unit in Return-to-Sender mode.  I have not been able to get this unit to respond.  I tried everything mentioned in the support forum.  I even went out and bought a USB cable.  I even tried three different devices in an effort to update the amp.  No luck.  I just keep getting blinking lights on the amp.  So, my question is, who in the world thought this was a good idea to manufacture something this finicky?  This thing is going back to Amazon in the morning.  I dont have time or patience to deal with something that should be so simple.  Insert cord, attached guitar and play some music.  Simple as that.  I guess simplicity totally by passed the folks at Line6 because this is a freaking nightmare.  

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This is, unfortunately, an all-too frequent occurrence with the Amplifi series amps. Since your unit is brand-new, Line 6 would almost certainly offer a no-cost solution if you contacted them about it.  But it would inconvenience you, at minimum. 


You're in the driver's seat -- good luck in whatever you choose to do!

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