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Controlling wah and toggling volume using onboard EXP2


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When going from rhythm to lead with wah (think 'Rosalie' solo by Thin Lizzy), I currently switch from snapshot 2  within my Thin Lizzy patch to snap shot three to add delay, then rock forward on the onboard EXP2 (green light) to engage the toe switch to turn on the wah (red light for EXP1), which automatically switches off the volume pedal attenuation so its now at 100% (perfect for lead, (heel down on EXP2 is set at 50% for rhythm volume)). This involves just a little bit too much tap dancing for my liking (I know it's not THAT much!!) so I'm trying to figure out if it's possible to set the EXP2 so that when I rock forward and it gets past 5%, it will do three things:-


  1. Raise volume level from 50% to 100% and keep it at 100% level only through the full range of pedal travel from 5% to 100%.
  2. Engage the wah and allow it to be controlled by the EXP2 at 100% volume as a wah pedal does normally.
  3. Switch on the delay block.
  4. On returning the EXP2 pedal (green light) below 5%, wah is disengaged, delay block is switched off, and volume returns to my rhythm level of 50%.
  5. I would like this behaviour to be assigned to ONLY snapshot three, snapshot two EXP behaviour will just control volume between 50% heel down and 100% toe down.


I know I'm probably pushing the versatility of the Helix to it's max, but I've scoured the net for an answer, and ave watched countless YouTube videos but have yet to achieve my goal. Does anyone know if what I'm looking for is achievable? Thanks in advance!


*EDIT since posting this, I've sussed out steps 1 and 2 by swapping the volume block to 'bypass' when the EXP2 is above 5%. I'm still working on step 3, but I'm proper stumped with step 5!!!



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17 hours ago, bobc2112 said:

5: I would like this behaviour to be assigned to ONLY snapshot three, snapshot two EXP behaviour will just control volume between 50% heel down and 100% toe down.


I could be wrong, but I think snapshots have 2 limits....

  1. You cannot swap amp/effect blocks
  2. You cannot re-assign footswitches or EXP's.

#2 would be your problem. You can't have it control one thing in snap 2 then something totally different in snap 3. 


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On 1/16/2020 at 2:39 PM, codamedia said:


I could be wrong, but I think snapshots have 2 limits....

  1. You cannot swap amp/effect blocks
  2. You cannot re-assign footswitches or EXP's.

#2 would be your problem. You can't have it control one thing in snap 2 then something totally different in snap 3. 


Thanks for your reply mate, I appreciate it, but I have learnt a few things in my quest to achieve what I was looking for.....


It's certainly true, you cannot swap an amp for an amp, but you can have two amps in the same patch, and toggle between them using bypass assigns (as long as you don't run out of DSP!), so that's sorted. Yes, it's also true that EXPs cannot be reassigned within a patch by swapping a snapshot, so it will control the parameter it is set for for all snapshots within, but the secret I found was that all I had to do was adjust the mix setting on the snapshots I didn't want the block controlled by the EXP to zero, it did the trick!!!

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