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HX Stomp - Touch/ Press question


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Hi Everyone,


New to the forum here, I'm just getting back into guitar playing after a loooooooong time away.


Recently I bought the HX Stomp as an update for my PodXT (it's been that long) and one think I cant wrap my head around, in terms of understanding why/ what, and how I can change it (if indeed 'change' is what's needed) the behaviour of it.


My question is this:


I've bought some presets from Alex Guitars (Plexi V2) and within the setup I've noticed there's two different parameters (channel gain and boost/ distortion, for example) assigned to FS1.

If i touch FS1 it cycles from one to the other. If I press FS1, it turns both on. Is there a way of turning on just one at a time? I cant understand if its a case of the preset being set purposefully that both turn on at once or if there's a way round this, to turn on one at a time.


I've noticed this setup is also in place in the Line 6 presets that come loaded onto the HX Stomp.


I do apologise if I'm asking a totally dumb question, I've tried searching online for this and perhaps haven't used the correct phrasing, but I'm absolutely befuddled with this.


Many thanks in advance!



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Hard to answer that without looking at the preset, there's so many ways to do things in Helix.

You could leave both OFF and save that as Snapshot 1, then both ON in Snapshot 2, then either/or in Snapshot 3.

Problem with HX Stomp is that you only get 3 Snapshots, so you can't have BOTH either and or.

AND, if the preset already uses the Snapshots for other things, you're basically hosing the preset you bought.


Thing about OPPs (other people's presets) is that they're never EXACTLY what you want.

Best to spend some time examining them to see how they do the things that you like, then create your own presets the way you want them.

Nice thing about digital, you can't easily blow anything up.....


Have Fun!


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