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In-ear-monitoring Thread Number ...

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Hi Line6-Team,


I know that there are indeed TONS of threads regarding to this topic, but I didn´t want to do thread-necromancy of older threads. I also know that you are tired of answering this question (and maybe you just cannot ;)), but: Will we see a Line6 IEM in the near or middle future? 


Just asking because at the end of this year I will not be able (or better said not allowed) to use my Sennheiser IEM´s in Germany anymore (they sold the frequencies to LTE providers) and I just wanted to know if we should invest to other Systems or if we can save our money to spend it on Line6 products that will fit into our dreamstage setup. :)

4 l2t´s would also do the job I think, but since I am the Drummer and I have a lot of Percussion things and stands to carry around, I don´t want to buy a new car just to get all things transported to a gig :)


Is there any news you can share on this one?






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