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No ability to Pan, no stereo


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Hey everyone.

Helix LT.


I have a really simple signal chang.  I'm running USB into my DAW logic.  I can pan the guitar signal in logic left and right no problem.... but not with my helix.  I have just 1 amp in my signal chain and a stereo modulation block.   If I click on the output icon I get the options of pan and level.  However if I pan everything left, the signal sounds centered and if I pan it right, it fades all the sound.


What am I doing wrong?


Thanks in advance. 

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On 3/20/2022 at 5:44 AM, Dweinin357 said:

I'm running USB into my DAW logic.



On an almost daily basis since 2016, I have been using  my Helix floor to record into Logic over USB and haven’t personally encountered this situation.


I may be misunderstanding what you are asking, because if you have only a mono amp block followed by a stereo chorus, then you should not need to change anything on the hardware end. The USB channels 1 and 2 send the left and right audio into a stereo input channel in Logic (to be able to re-amp, I also take a clean DI in mono from USB 7)

One thing springs to mind though - you do realise that pan knob on the channel strip in Logic defaults to a balance control, in order to make it work as a stereo pan knob you need to option click on it.


Please clarify if I am misinterpreting the issue, for example - does this happen on every preset? We need to figure out if this is a setting on the LT or in Logic.


Hope this helps/makes sense.

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On 3/20/2022 at 5:05 PM, Dweinin357 said:

Ah.  I did NOT know that you need to option click the pan knob to get it to work in Stereo.  I'll give that a try later today when I get a minute and see what happens.

Thanks for the tip.





No - simply download the Helix Template for Logic that I linked in your other post about low levels in the DAW.


And that "Option Click" should have read "Control Click" to bring up the true stereo pan in Logic.


Let me know how it works with the template.

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Ok.  Your file worked like a charm.  So I opened up a new clean file and that worked like a charm too.  I opened up my old file and I think I needed to change my input again.  It was set to input 1&2 but still not in stereo.  I closed it down, reopened it, and it defaulted to input 1 only.  So I changed it again to 1&2... and now it works in stereo like it should.  Weird.


Thanks for the help!  Much appreciated.

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