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Need MIDI help getting Helix to control Boss RC-505 mk2


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The goal is to be able to set up footswitches on the Helix to control the different/individual tracks Rec/Play function on the mk2

I currently have the RC-505 mk2 MIDI out going to the Helix MIDI in.
The tempo is syncing up.

I have HX Edit set in the Command Center to the following.
Command/MIDI CC
CC #/20

I have the RC-505 mk2, in the menu, assign 1 set to the following.
Source/MIDI CC #20
Source Mode/Toggle
Source Act Low/0
Source Act High/127
Target/Trk 1 Rec/Ply 

If anyone could shed some light on this i would be forever grateful.
Hopefully this helps another person who actually decides to keep the mk2 lol.
Thanks for taking the time.

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I don't have an RC505, but I took a quick look at the manual.

First, to get MIDI from Helix to the RC505 you need to connect Helix MIDI out to the RC505 MIDI in.

Make sure that the RC505 and Helix are set to the same MIDI Channel. By default, the Helix BASE channel is set to 1.

Be sure that this matches in the RC505 System Settings.

It sounds like that is already set, if the RC505 is syncing Helix to it's tempo.

You might look into these settings depending on which device you want to provide the tempo.



Then you need to ASSIGN CC#s to the RC505 functions you want to control.

Then you need to assign those CC#s to Helix footswitches.

Since Start/Stop/Rec functions appear to be separate, I THINK you would need to use simple (non-toggling) CCs.

Alternatively, you can try using the MMC commands.


Switch ON/OFF functions would likely use Toggling CCs, but might use MOMENTARY CCs. 

I didn't spend THAT much time with the manual.


Calling RC505 phrases is done using PC (program change) #s 1-99. Again, assign these to footswitches.


Hope this helps.


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