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Help! Expression Pedal Problem with HX Effects


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Hey all! I used to be somewhat of a regular on this forum but I've been absent from it for the last few years. Anyway, my latest Line 6 product (and I've been through many of them) is the HX Effects. I bought it to retire my M13, which has been a reliable workhorse for well over a decade.


Anyway, when I plugged my foot pedal (the cheaper Line 6 one) into HX Effects, it would be at full volume in the heel position, then drop to low volume about halfway through it's travel and from that point it would function like a normal volume pedal, achieving full volume in the toe position. I've had this pedal for a good while, so I thought maybe it was broken and I bought a new one. Unfortunately, that one is doing the same thing. So... how do I fix this? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Try plugging the pedal in, turning the unit on, and removing the pedal, then plugging it back in.


It seems like it needs to "calibrate" sometimes and plugging it out and in when the unit on is how this is done.


If you did this on the M13 with an effect engaged it would reset the min/max parameters of that effect, so I was always careful to plug an unplug my pedal with the unit off or be sure to disengage the effect - I don't know how many times I accidentally erased pedal settings because I forgot and left the effect engaged!


But I also would unplug and plug to "reset" the values with an effect engaged on purpose sometimes.


I'm not positive if the HX Effects behaves the same way because I've unplugged and replugged with an effect engaged IIRC and it keeps the values - because they're stored differently in the Helix line.


But this is how you calibrate the pedal - unplug and replug with the unit on.


Once you do that it should work as expected after that.


It could be a setting in the effect itself, but try this unplug/replug while on trick first and see if that fixes.


Hey, I also want to ask you since I did the same thing - give up my beloved M13 to move to the HX Effects - if you have a chance can you compare your Legacy sounds in the M13 with the HX Effects in the same settings?


I found them to be quite different - noticeably different - this is guitar to M13 to amp, or guitar to HXFX to amp.



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Well thanks for this advice; I'll give it a try when I get a chance! One problem is that I'm using the 4 cable method and I don't own any amps with an effects loop. Let me explain so I don't sound crazy: In the band I work with most frequently, they backline me a Mesa/Boogie Triple Rectifier half stack; I've been using the M13 (4 cable method) with that (and now I'm using the HX Effects). In the other band that I work with with some regularity, the leader didn't want any amps on stage. For that one, I use the Helix Floor; it goes direct to the FOH and we're all using in-ear monitors (and a mixer on our phones). I have owned some great tube amps that I regret selling (most notably a Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC and a Bogner Ecstasy), but my fate has been that in the past 15 or so years, I rarely need to bring my own amplifier to a gig anymore and I sold all of my amps. Once in a while I'll sub for another guitar player in some band that I'm not a regular member of; in that situation I need to bring an amp and that's why I bought a Spider V. It generally only happens 2 or 3 times a year. 


Anyway, I have a buddy who has a zillion guitars and amps... some with an effects loop. I programmed my HX Effects over at his house and I'll have another opportunity to do so in about a week; that's when I'll try your suggestion. 


BTW, I haven't paid much attention to comparing the Legacy effects between the M13 and HX Effects but I will check that out! And thanks again!

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