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Problems with Footswitch Function with midi


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I assign snapshot 1 to footswitch 1 in stomp Mode by using the command center.

Now i am using my midi pedal sending CC#49 Value 1 to turn on footswitch 1. this works great on any other preset where footswitch 1 is just bypassing a stomp.

but on that preset where footswitch 1 is assigned to snapshot 1 its not working. Nothing happened. 

is this a right behavior? Am i doing something wrong?

Dont get me wrong. I Know how to send a midi cc to turn on snapshot one but this is not what i wanted to do always.


what i want, is that my midi board always got the function to toggle footswitch  one to five, no matter which function it has on any preset…and i thought the midi cc 49 to 53 would do that…


can you help me?


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CC#s 49-53 toggle the BYPASS function of blocks whose BYPASS is assigned to a FS. If you haven't assigned the FS to a Block's Bypass nothing will happen.

I'm going to hazard a guess that functions which have a predefined CC such as Snapshots and Looper controls won't work with the FS CCs.

Others may, you'd have to experiment.


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