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Hx Stomp XL Y-Split Spill.......what am I doing wrong?


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Hi folks,


I'm trying to create two independents outputs for FOH and backline on the Stomp XL.


I've created a Y-split and moved the IR to row B for FOH and IEMS, pans are set to hard left / right accordingly. Row A is for backline via a poweramp.


If I then listen to the row A output and then activate and disable the IR on row B it affects the sound on row A, almost like there's some kind of partial crossfade between the two outputs.


I've tried playing with the pans where the Y-split rejoins row A and it makes no difference.


I don't want to use the FX sends because I have some external pedals hooked up.


Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

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Ok, so it turns out that it's working as I wanted but only if you have two cables plugged in at the same time. I was switching a single cable between the L & R outputs expecting to hear one output with an IR and another without but in the absence of two cables it's not how the Helix works.


I found a post from a user called mstoffel who nailed it.





just wanted to share my final solution. The tricky thing is actually the testing of such a setup hence the L/Mono labeled input and output jacks have special behavior.

  • Say you have one Guitar plugged into L/Mono (this is a must) the signal will be fed into L/R on path A channel evenly -> That's good
  • Then you create a Y Split and you split L100 to Path A and R100 to Path B, doesn't really matter which path though
  • Now comes the important part I had a lot of struggle with: If you would like to use you Amp  (Path A without IR) standalone (no FOH attached) you must route that signal in the merge block to RIGHT and go from that to your power amp / cab.
  • Why? Because if you route it to the L/Mono output and your right output is not connected Helix will mix both outputs to L/Mono and you will here both Signals (IR plus without IR) 
  • But using the right output you have some freedom.
    • Only right out connected -> signal without IR
    • Right to amp Left to FOH -> Live setup
  • One thing is still not optimal and I'll try to fix that with a snapshot. Say you would like to go only FOH (which in my case will never happen) then you still get again mixed channels on left output for this case you must set path A to -60db on the merge block.

Hope that helps in case I  was able to convey the message (it is and sounds complicated :-)


Kind Regards,




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