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Need help with midi!!


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Desperately need help with my HX effects.. I apologize if this is the wrong forum/topic. Line 6 didn't have HX effects as an option. Anyways, I'm struggling to program my amp in snapshot mode with hx fx. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Here's a video I took of my process. Thanks in advance!



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You don’t need separate Instant Commands (lightning bolts) for each snapshot. Just use the same one. You can set the program number differently in each one. If you’re using multiple ones, you’re probably confusing the amp by sending multiple PC messages at the same time. So I’d just set your PC messages to 1 in Snapshot 1, 2 in Snapshot 2, etc.


This is much easier and faster to do with HX Edit, btw. You can change snapshots while you have the Command Center window open, so you’re not constantly going back and forth.

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