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Probably A Dumb Question


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I've been using the Helix Floor since 2017, and it has been an incredible tool for achieving fantastic tones. However, I've encountered a new problem that I've never experienced or considered before. I understand that the answer may likely be disappointing, but I thought I'd ask anyway to confirm or explore potential workarounds.

A few months ago, I purchased a JTV69 Variax guitar, which has proven to be more useful than I initially anticipated. I'm currently experimenting with a different approach, but I've hit a roadblock. I typically run my Helix through my amplifier using the 4CM (Four Cable Method). What I'm attempting to do is simultaneously utilize both the magnetic pickups and the Variax models to create unique and interesting guitar tones. I'm using the specialized cable (XLR on the outside with CAT5 on the inside). I've set Path 1 input to Variax Magnetics and Path 2 input to Variax. Additionally, I've configured the Variax models to change on a per snapshot basis. Initially, I used the output volume controls on each path to balance the two sources, but I found them less effective on a per snapshot basis. Instead, I included a Volume block at the end of each path, which has yielded better results. The models do appear to change with the snapshots, and I've successfully prevented the model from changing when using the pickup selector to switch the magnetics. So far, so good.

Now, onto the problem:

I constructed Path 1 with a loop block and placed my time-based effects after the loop block. However, when I switch to Path 2, the loop I'm using is unavailable for insertion into the path. Consequently, I'm unable to send the Variax model to the front of the amp. Path 2 goes directly to the power amp, bypassing the preamp entirely. Despite adding various preamp models to the Variax path and tweaking settings, I can't seem to achieve the desired rich and thick tone, whether clean or dirty. The preamp models sound different from what I'm accustomed to, which is a physical preamp. Adjusting the preamp models or the EQ block doesn't eliminate the thin and nasal sound. Interestingly, this thinness is more controllable and fixable when using an instrument cable rather than the Variax cable. In this case, I'm limited to using either the magnetics or the Variax, but not both, and the signal follows the normal 4CM route.

So, my question is:

Has anyone attempted this and found a way to send both signals to the front of the amp?

I've considered the possibility of panning the outputs for each path to left and right, and then using an A/B/Y box to merge the Path 1 send with the Path 2 output before entering the front of the amp. However, the problem with this approach is that I won't be able to use different wet effects for each signal, which was a crucial aspect of my intention to try this setup - having two completely distinct guitar tones playing simultaneously. Just imagine the possibilities...

Initially, I thought this could be a fantastic setup, but the more I ponder it, the more I suspect that I may need to purchase a second amp in order to achieve the desired outcome, which is simply not feasible for me. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

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Not totally sure I understand this but, if you want to have both the magnetics and the models on one path, you can create two inputs on each path making a total of 4 inputs if you want. I can't remember how to do this and I'm not at home but it involves clicking and dragging either a split point, block or the input down like what you would do. I've done this so I have an acoustic model on one path and the Variax's magnetic pickups on the other. It's pretty cool. This video should tell you all you need to know.



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