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HX Edit 3.6.1 Drag and Drop Presets


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Hello Helix/HX Friends! 


I just updated to 3.6.1. One of my ongoing goals is to get all of the factory and third party presets organized, but the drag and drop functionality is working very irregularly.


In 3.5.0, I could select any single preset and as I dragged it, a blue line would appear between the presets I was dragging the selected one over, indicating where it would be dropped.


With 3.6.1, SOME presets when dragged show a blue line, but only between a limited number of other presets. OTHER presets, when dragged, show no blue line. and when released, go back to where they were originally listed.


Is this a known issue? Is there a fix in the works?


Also, any further development on the ability to right click and "Clear Preset"?


Sorry for so many uses of the word preset.



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I haven’t experienced (or at least haven’t noticed) your issue with dragging/dropping in v3.61. It works the same as in v3.50 as far as as I know. Perhaps reinstall HX Edit v3.61?

There is a Clear All Bocks option in any preset. From the manual:

Clearing All Blocks
Clearing all blocks removes all processing blocks (including the Looper) and resets both Path 1 and 2 to serial. It does not affect Path 1A or Path 2A Input and Output blocks, nor does it affect the “Command Center”
1. Press ACTION.
2. Press Knob 4 (Clear All Blocks).

3. Press Knob 6 (OK).


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Thanks silverhead. Restarting HX Edit seems to have restored the drag-and-drop functionality.


I prefer using HX Edit over the Stomp Menu for changing settings and parameters and only use the Stomp for switching presets, snapshots or in Stomp mode. Is there a way to clear a preset in HX Edit? Also, is there a way to add a preset to favorites in HX Edit? 


Thanks again!

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Right-Click on any block in any Preset in HX Edit and you will se the option to Clear All Blocks. You can also Save As Favorite using the 5-pointed star symbol that appears in the top right corner of the Cab Edit panel.

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