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HX Stomp weird gain issue.


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OK Helix/HXS peeps, I'm outta ideas...


On my new HX Stomp board I've built 2 presets to use with one of my bands.


Preset 1 is my “clean” patch where I use an always on High/Low cut EQ first in chain, and a Amp & Cab at the end with some modulation stuff in the middle assigned to the foot switches.


Preset 2 is my “dirtier” patch, what I did was copy/paste preset 1 and then switch the modulation options for OD/Fuzz/Dist options assigned to the foot switches.


So basically both presets share the same always on EQ and Amp with cab, and both presets have everything bypassed (unless activated via foot switch) except the above mentioned EQ/Amp/Cab...yet preset 2 is notably louder, it shouldn't be though, it should be the exact level as preset 1, yet I can hear the increase & see the gain increase on both my mixing console & my DAW.


I've checked the input (all settings identical), I've checked the output (identical), I've checked all the settings on the EQ/Amp/Cab (all Identical as well).


The ONLY difference is preset 2 uses a split path for a synth/dist combo I use, but again those FX are assigned to a FS and bypassed....The split is a “Y” and the mixer is centered with no level boost, and the mixer comes back in before the Amp & Cab blocks.


What am I missing???


Thanks in Advance!






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On 7/1/2023 at 12:39 AM, rd2rk said:

There's this thing called the "Pan Law".


Pan law - Wikipedia


By lowering the Path A level at the Mix Block you even it out.


Try the attached modded DIRT preset.


SVT-4 Dirt Mod.hlx 7.78 kB · 1 download


Man, I did a TON of searching on the web for my issue, visited multiple forums (bass & guitar), and yet never came across this info, Thank You!!!

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