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Duran Duran - “Come Undone”


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I’m trying to replicate the sound and effects of the intro of this song. From what I can tell there is a phaser or flange, some reverb, but there is an auto filter effect that sort of gives those “pops” you might be able to hear if you listen to it. I’ve tried every filter effect but can’t seem to nail it. Same goes for the phaser, can’t seem to replicate it close enough for what I’m looking for. Does anyone have suggestions of what I might be able to try?

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I made this preset for the girl who lives next to me. I give her guitar lessons from time to time. She plays a Gretsch G2655 with broadtrons so the sound is made for that. I cant remember which pickup selection to use. :(



~~~~~~~~top path~~~~~~~~~~

noise gate
threshold -48
decay     500
level    +0.0

auto filter
high pass
filter gain +10.1
filter Q        5.0
sensitivity   5.0
attack       20.0
decay       350.0
frequency    50hz
freq depth 3.5khz
direction      up
level        +0.0



amp:Jazz Rivet 120
drive         2.0
bass          3.0
mid           5.3
treble        7.1
Presence      2.4
ch vol       10.0
master       10.0
bright        9.5



cab:2x12 jazz rivet
mic       160 ribbon
distance          1"
low cut         80hz
high cut    12.2 khz
early reflect      0
level           +0.0





note sync  1/8 triplet
depth        75%
feedback     100%
stage        12
mix          75%
level        0.0




analog flanger
note sync    1/4
depth        50%
feedback     100%
mannual      100%
mix          100%
level        +0.0




chorus  STEREO
note sync    1/2 dotted
depth        6.6
predelay     2.1
wave shape   triangle
tone         6.0
mix          46%
level        +0.0


===output to 2A=====


~~~~~~~PATH 2~~~~~~~~~~~~~


EQ 10 Band Graphic STEREO
31.25Hz     -5.0 dB
62.5Hz      -4.2 dB
125Hz       -3.6 dB
250Hz       -2.1 dB
500Hz       -0.4 dB
1kHz        +0.0 dB
2kHz        +0.4 dB
4kHz        +3.9 dB
8kHz        +2.5 dB
16kHz       +3.9 dB
Level       +0.0

EQ parametric  STEREO
low freq    110hz
low q       0.7
low gain    0.0
mid freq    6.9khz
mid q       4.6
mid gain    +5.5
high freq   6.9khz
high q      0.7
high gain   +5.9
low cut      off
high cut     off
level        +0.0




Gray Flanger STEREO
rate             0.0
width           10.0
manual           0.0
regen            1.6
mix              50%
level           +0.0
headroom        +0.0


Simple Delay STEREO
note sync      1/4 triplet
feedback       50%
mix            37%
level         +0.0
trails          on


Reverb: Room STEREO
Decay           4.5
predelay        11ms
low cut        150hz
high cut       3.7khz
mix             40%
level           +0.0
trails           on

pan      center
level    -3.5db




Hope it helps




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