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Sending 2 separate amps out 2 separate channels in Helix


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Its always hard to keep these topics brief.  I will try.  I recently upgraded to a Helix floor model from my HXFX unit.  Im trying to replicate my architecture and signal routing on the Helix that I had with the HXFX.  I hate to give away my secrets  :), but here was my set up with the HXFX:


I use a Roland jc120 as my platform.  My performances consist of 4 volume stages: 1st volume - the clean jc120 level of the chorus channel (Channel 1), 2nd volume - the same channel 1 and volume, but going through a RAT for distortion.  Again, volume levels 1&2 are through Channel 1 (the chorus channel) of the jc120.  Now the tricky part, 3rd volume - the guitar signal is sent, via Send 2 of the HXFX, to an amp simulator pedal, that then goes into Channel 2 of the jc120, with a higher volume, thus blasting ones head off in the process.  4th volume - finally, I have a clean boost pedal right after that amp simulator pedal which can add even more volume to Channel 2 of the jc120, for a lead if needed.


I am trying to replicate this architecture and routing in the Helix.  I do not want to use any of my old pedals (the RAT and amp simulation pedal) but I see no way to utilize amps IN Helix this way, and switch them/route them in this fashion.  There doesnt seem to be as elegant a way to send guitar signal to one path, into an amp, but not to a parallel path that contains a 2nd amp.  I need to be able to play through amp 1, then engage amp 2 when I want.  There has to be a way to do this via the A/B switching options, but I havent figured it out.  I continue to look into these posts in the meantime.

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