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Newbie question about IRs


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I'm now running with a couple of guitar amps (bypassing the preamp and just using the power amp part of it). They're not FRFR obviously. So, should I use IRs or no? I've noticed that my presets that have IRs are five times louder than the ones without. If I bypass the IR, is there any way to increase the gain so that they can match reasonably, or for live situations should I use an all or none approach with IRs? I don't understand why they're so much louder - I thought it was just a tone modication thing.


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The IR block in the patch that you use - what does the Level parameter read? Default is -18dB which with most IRs is about as loud as bypassed.


IRs are captured frequency responses of mic'ed cabinets (at least that's what they are used for most often). Playing a mic'ed cab simulation into a cab doesn't make much sense in most cases. It can sound cool though.


Generally: Play into a power amp without IRs but use a signal with IR for direct recordings or to feed FOH.

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