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Everything posted by Schmalle

  1. The default answer for 4CM is: Set input, output and send/return levels to INST on the Helix and use the -10dB option on the JVM. Use an empty patch, add the fx loop block, crank the VOLUME knob and test how this setup compares the pure non-4CM amp. Usually this sounds very close with an extra little hiss.
  2. Yes, you can do that. I'd start with connecting the 5150's Send with the Low Input of the JCM (no Helix) and tweak the JCM's controls so that it sounds reasonably close to the 5150. Then add the Helix and have fun!
  3. The Cali Texas Ch II topology is: Drive1 -> Bass, Mids, Treble -> Drive2 -> Master, Presence -> power amp. Notice that the second drive of the Lone Star Ch II (called Gain on the real deal) has a bright cap in parallel to the pot leading to leaner sounds with lower values. Btw: compared to the Normal setting Thick and Thicker lower Treble knob frequency which adds mids. It's a very versatile amp model that can produce tons of high class vintage tones. And it loves drive pedals. Tip: since it gets most of the tone from the preamp: try the preamp model with a real power amp.
  4. If 50 Ohms work fine then 80 Ohms is not the problem.
  5. Replacing the power supply is the fix if it's cable has a loose contact (if you're not an electrician).
  6. It's probably caused by EMI. Likely noise from a laptop, PC or other fast switching device is picked up by the guitar. If it crackles with nothing plugged in HX's input this would be a software problem. To prove it's not: disengage the input block's Gate, connect a guitar and completely close it's volume pot. The noise you now hear - if any - is the noise floor. If there is a problem with this noise floor that is probably a ground issue - often a ground loop via USB. If the noise is only appearing when you open up the guitar's volume: EMI.
  7. Leave the mix at 100% for this. Tip: setting Global Settings -> Ins/Outs -> Send/Return to Inst works best with most pedals especially Boost, OD, Dist and Fuzz.
  8. Make sure in Global Settings -> Ins/Outs both Send/Return levels (L and R) are set to the same type (Line or Inst) when comparing their levels.
  9. There is a Global Settings -> Ins/Outs -> Headphones Monitor option, set it to 1/4". Use the bass signal path and send it to Multi Output. Use a second path dedicated to the IEM monitor signal to connect Aux or Returns to 1/4". This way you route the monitor signal on the headphones but not on the XLR. BTW: To play to a monitor feed that already contains the bass signal you can select XLR as the destination for the bass path. Not recommended, just in case.
  10. The bypass switching via MIDI just isn't made for momentary switches. Or in other words: the CC value (0...127) has no function in this case - any value does the same.
  11. If you set the loop in parallel to the unaltered (direct) signal you hear a mix of direct signal and the drive from the FX loop. Effectively this is the same as lowering the mix parameter in the fx loop block.
  12. Is there still a problem? If you want to replicate the picture where stuff is routed to the Send 1/2 Output block: you can't replicate that when you use fx loop blocks because that would mean to use the sends twice. The new posted patch seems correct, too.
  13. Guitar -> ISP Guitar IN ISP Guitar Out -> Boost IN Boost Out -> HX IN HX Send -> Amp input Amp Send -> ISP Dec IN ISP DEC OUT -> HX Return HX OUT -> Amp Return If you do it like that the ISP is reducing the preamp noise but doesn't affect delay and reverb tails. You might need to put the boost after the HX Send depending on the amount of boost you need. But there is a good chance that you don't need the boost at all because the HX does this very well, too.
  14. To make sure: your goal is a template for the using MODE 1 (full parallel) of the SimplifierX with independent FX for both channels from the HX FX? I ask because the simplest 7CM patch is to just a FX Loop L/R block. You can use stereo blocks in front or after the loop - that's all it takes. Only if you want different things to happen to both channels (things that differ from what stereo blocks already can do) you need the split approach. There should be no crossfeed if you used the Mix block hard panned like in your image from the manual. Make sure to turn off MONO LOOP on the SimplifierX. If you bypass the loops the signal goes from HX's input to OUT L/R without passing through the preamps of the Simplifier - hence the "very quiet signal". Your cabling is what I would have come up with, too. Looks right.
  15. The way you did this only makes sense if you use both the L and the R outputs of the HX Effects (stereo use case or summing both channels later e.g. in an external mixer). For a mono use case set the Mixer block's pan parameters to center. For a stereo setup the preset looks fine.
  16. No. Look up the Level parameter in Controller Assign and make sure it is not assigned to something.
  17. Have you already managed to switch the 6505's channels with the HX FX's Ext Amp function? If so: in Command Center use an Instant Command set to Ext Amp. This way the switching is per patch / snapshot.
  18. I'd ask customer support about details of that encoder pot. Or contact a support center and let them repair it.
  19. This is normal behavior with guitars with passive pickups. Passive guitar electronics are designed to drive a high impedance (e.g. 1 MOhm). Technically they are weak voltage sources (the voltage is the signal) and break down when they are forced to drive a low impedance (e.g. 10 kOhm). You might have not realized this before because you used a pedal in front or a guitar with active electronics which can drive a low impedance.
  20. Should be no problem. You can use a gain block, set it to +3db and Bypass Assign it to FS4. Or Controller Assign any Level / Gain / Volume parameter that is suitable for your application to FS4. You need to set Global Settings: Preferences -> EXP/FS Tip to FS4 Preferences -> Tip Polarity to Normal (depends on the polarity switch of the FS-5) Footswitches -> FS4 Function to Stomp4 Connect the FS-5U with a simple TS cable to the footswitch input.
  21. No. The HX One has something called FLUX that allows you to ramp between parameter values. If FLUX will ever come to the rest of the Helix family that would be the solution combined with a Whammy block. So, fingers crossed, I guess.
  22. @markcopeland74 Ah, that is an issue that is different from what I thought when I read your previous posts. Apologies. I don't have an HX Effects. Maybe selecting the Stomp is causing this. Experiment with the options in Global Settings -> Switches -> Stomp Select.
  23. Please note that the nameless snapshot labels occur when you use Prev or Next. When you use SnapshotX (where X is the target number) then the button is named.
  24. Maybe for now only use Snapshot Commands to toggle between two snapshots? This way you always know that the foot switch gets you to "the other" snapshot. Generally what you're proposing is a great idea. HX is constantly evolving and I also hope that target snapshot names will show up in the foot switch labels in the a future update
  25. Unfortunately there is no MIDI PC toggle command. I agree it would be a nice and useful addition.
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