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Unable to get Expression Pedal to work with HX One


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Good evening!


I've had an HX One for a few months, which has been great for me for delay, reverb, and tremolo. Recently, I wanted to start using an expression pedal for Wah and Whammy. I have a Moog EP-3 Expression Pedal and a Zeppelin Labs modded Ernie Ball VP Jr. However, I cannot get expression control to work with the HX One.


I updated the HX One software to the latest release. I read the manual about expression control, and I set the expression setting to expression pedal. I can set the desired minimum and maximum values, and the built-in Flux switch works fine


However, plugging in the expression pedal into the Exp jack does not change any of the parameters anything. Or if it does, it goes immediately to the toe position without any transition time in between and then won't change beyond that.


I tried a regular TS cable, and I tried the TRS cable that came with the Moog EP-3.  No luck. I also tried flipping the switch on the bottom of the Moog EP-3 without any sucess : (


Does anyone have any advice?


Thank you!


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On 6/2/2024 at 7:00 AM, Schmalle said:

In the Settings View set Pedal Jack to ExpFs4.


I actually tried that already. Nothing.


I read an Expression Pedal FAQ from Saturnworks said that Line 6 uses TS expression input, whereas most everyone else uses TRS expression input. I saw that Line 6's own expression pedal says TS, so I'm going to go to Guitar Center today and pick up a cheap TS expression pedal. Hopefully that will work!

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Ok. The Moog EP-3 isn't suited because it's potentiometer is 50 kOhm.

You need a linear 10 kOhm expression pedal. If you have multimeter measure the resistance between tip and sleeve. It should go from 0 Ohm heel to 10 kOhm toe with 5 kOhm half way.


If it has a TRS expression out you need to get rid of the ring signal which is the inverted tip signal (heel 10 kOhm ... toe 0 Ohm). You can do by using a TRS cable. The ring won't trigger the FS4 function. If you use a TRS expression output with a TS cable you'll notice weird control properties: it will go from heel=0% to middle=40% to toe=0%.

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