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Can i split block and use the unbalanced 1/4" outputs with my Helix LT?


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Hi all, I have the LT model. i want to use presets that have split blocks in the chain. i want to use my LT using 2 guitar amps in stereo for live venues. the manual suggests i use the 1/4" outputs when connecting to guitar amps not the XLR outs.  my issue is i don't see a way to use split blocks with the 1/4" in the editor. I only can use a split block with the main XLR outputs it seems. PLease someone tell me i'm wrong? thanks for your help. 

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I’m not sure what you mean by ‘split block’. Do you mean split paths, or dual paths? Also, please explain exactly what it is you can do with the XLR outputs that you can’t do with the 1/4”. And when you say ‘amps in stereo’ do you mean one amp in the L stereo channel and the other in the R, or do you mean you have a stereo FX block after both amps and want to maintain that at both outputs?


My best guess at getting what you want is to use dual paths with one amp using the output from Path 1 and the other using Path 2. You want one amp to take the L stereo channel as input and the other to take the R channel. You can do that using the 1/4” outputs. In the Output block for each Path select the 1/4” outputs. Then use the Pan control to pan one fully L and the other fully R. Since both paths are stereo make sure you place a mono FX block immediately before the Output block in each path to force a potentially stereo signal to sum to mono.

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Thanks, let me add detail. preset i want to use currently has split paths joining just before the main output block. I want to run 1 amp left from 1/4" send left out and another amp going right using 1/4" send right. problem is i don't see an option to switch the joining output block to Send outputs. in LT i can only join split paths going to main XLR outputs? hope that makes sense? maybe i should post some screen shots. 

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Try using a dual path, not split paths, preset. That will give you two simple stereo paths, each with its own Output block. Don’t use the Send blocks; use just the Output blocks to route your signal L and R.

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I receive your attachments as file type php which appear empty to me. Again, why do you want to use the Send blocks/outputs? Use a dual path preset with the Main outputs.

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thanks Silver head, the manual suggests to use sends , not mains, when using guitar amps. also i am using guitar amps but plugging directly into the effects return. thanks. can i use the mains for guitar amps? if i use the effects return i know i have to set the mains to instrument.

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Aaah… Well, this is the first mention that you’re connecting to the effects return of your amp(s), not the guitar input. It makes a difference. Essentially then you are using only the power amp and cab section of your guitar amp, not the preamp section.


i would still use a dual path preset. In each path use an amp block and any FX you want but no cab/mic since your physical amps are doing that. Avoid using any stereo FX. Put a Send block at the end of each path immediately before the Output block. Use Send 1 in Path 1 and Send 2 in Path 2. Set each to Instrument level and connect them respectively to the Return of your amps. Do not connect anything to the Main Outputs of the Helix.

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plz help more . How can i get a merged path to go to sends out. In helix LT , i cant change the 1st path to sends, i can only choose mains. and I only have 1 mixer that only resides on the sends path. I just want to use a merged path and output it to sends, not the mains. show me how to change a merge path to sends L& R?  image.png

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You need to add a Send block at the end of each parallel path, before the Merge block. Use Send 1 in one path and Send 2 in the other.  Connect the cables from the Send outputs to your amps’ FX Return jacks accordingly. In Global Settings make sure the Send outputs are set to instrument level.

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finally got it Silverhead. thank you and for your patience. i kept looking for a right mouse click option and never noticed the send/return block option in the list , just before Looper. DUH. again thanks . too bad it eats up 2 blocks. should have been a mixer option imo.

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Hi again Silverhead, i had to come back again to thank you for showing me yet another function i can do with my helix. really openned things up here. thanks again. a quick question i would appreciate your thought. Since my 2nd path ends with the output going to Send L&R, I could just pan that output to the right and just add 1 Send L block to my 1st path. my thought is this in essence does the same thing as you suggested but will save me using a 2nd block for the 2nd Send (R) , in this case? thanks for your thoughts as always. 

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Glad to help.


You’re getting close. My suggestion is to use a dual path (not parallel path) preset with a different Send block at the end of each path. Using dual paths maximizes the available DSP in your preset meaning you can add more processing blocks along with each amp model. Think of it this way: two couples rent a 2-bedroom Airbnb. Would both couples choose to stay in one bedroom and leave the other empty (parallel paths) or would they choose to occupy one bedroom each to maximize the use of available space (dual paths)? (Let’s not get into whether or not the couples are polyamorous!)

Here’s my recommended setup in detail:

- start with a New Preset. Use both Input blocks, Path 1 and Path 2. Set both to use your guitar as Input (default Multi works too since it includes guitar).

- add your desired amp models (no cab/IR block); use one amp in each path.

- add whatever FX blocks you want in each path.

- In Path 1 add the Send 1 block at the end of the signal chain just before the Output block. You will see both Send 1 and Send 2 as separate options when you add a Send block to the path. Do not select the FX Loop block.

- In Path 2 add the Send 2 block at the end of the signal chain just before the Output block.

- pan one Send block fully L and the other fully R. Make sure each Send block is set to Instrument level output.
- make sure the FX block immediately before each Send block is a mono block; this will ensure that the panning captures the entire signal.

- connect your cables from each Send output to your amp’s respective FX Return inputs.

- ignore the preset’s Output blocks and do connect cables to the Main Outs UNLESS you also want to send a signal to the FOH/mixer. If so then you need to decide what you want to send there.

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