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Spider Jam Loud Buzz on CD/MP3 input


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like the title says, the CD/MP3 input causes a loud buzz which makes it unusable.

Even if there is no sound being input, just plugging in a plug makes it buzz very loudly.

It's been like this ever since I've had it (bought it used in 2011) and I've never taken it apart to investigate, but it would be great if I could use that input.

Is this a known fault I can fix, or is it a case of someone checking out each component to see if it's faulty?


Thanks for any help!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the suggestion.

I tried that but it didn't make a difference, although the hum/buzz starts when only the amp-end is plugged-in.

The cable seems to work ok elsewhere but I guess still might be faulty. I'll try to find another one.

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Ok, so I'm probably in the realms of "we don't recommend you do this" now, but I've removed the "head" section of the amp and I've pulled out the PCB with the input jack sockets on it.

Now it's out I can see that the CD/MP3 socket is cracked; looks like it's been hit with something in the past. It's always buzzed while I've owned it so must have been a previous owner.

It looks like an easy desolder/solder job so I'll see if I can find a replacement.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I doubt the cost of that would be worthwhile. I have some experience repairing PCBs but not amplifiers. I'll take it as a challenge!

The guitar input works fine, just the CD/MP3 input buzzes and - as I just noticed - so does the AUX input.

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