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Hx one program message issue


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Hello everyone, 


I am having an issue automating my hx one with pc and cc messages. When i send a pc message and cc message at the same time the hx one does not receive the  cc message . 

example. i send a pc message 1 for a poly pitch preset and a cc message 21 w a value 20  to change a effect parameter.   If im already on the preset assigned to pc message 1, the cc message will not be recognized by the hx one. If i only send the cc message it does change the effects parameter. 

it appears that the pc message is blocking/interferes with the cc message. Since when i only send cc messages while on the same preset it works. 

This seems like a hx one software issure because im monitoring the midi messages w midi monitor in ableton. 

can someone help me w this issue, thanks. 

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Sounds like there needs to be a WAIT between the messages. This is not uncommon with MIDI devices and SW.

Not sure how to do it in Ableton, but 10ms should be enough.

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I've been discussing this issue with Line6 for some time. They haven't made me any promises for when it'll be fixed but they seem to have acknowledged that it is a bug and have shown interest in how to replicate it.


So, Line6 is at least aware. Let's hope it's fixed in the next update. In the meantime, I've programmed my MIDI controller to not send redundant messages, and other users have reported that a "Wait" between messages is effective, as previously stated.

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MIDI is not instantaneous, there's a small amount of latency involved even when sending a single message.

Even when you think you're sending multiple MIDI messages at the same time, they're sent sequentially and there is an unavoidable delay between them.

Also, it takes time to unload the current preset and load the new one, and it can't respond to the CC until it's loaded.

The sum of those latencies may make what you're trying to do impractical.

You won't know if it works for your needs if you don't try it.

First, figure out how to do it in Ableton, it might not even be possible. Then start at 1ms and work up until you get it.


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So i tried putting a wait on the midi cc and it didnt fix anything. The cc messages reaching the hx one are not the issue.  

The issue is with the hx one not recognizing cc messages after the same pc message is sent to it consecutively. After that it doesn’t respond to cc. For  example i send a pc 1 message w a cc 21 value 66  and then a pc1 w cc21 value 140 right after ,the second cc message is not recognized. If i dont send the same pc message the second time it works.

I need to be able to send this pc message each time because i am also bypassing the hx one and changing presets on it in different orders. 


This midi issue is definitely a bug that needs to be fixed. Hopefully soon!!


thanks for the suggestions. 


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