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Visualize FS-4 stomp state on led ring at XT Stomp?


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as much as I love my HX Stomp I'm currently stuck with the following issue (or challenge):


I got 3 snapshots, the usual clean, breakup, heavy crunch

I got two external footswitches, which do not have led-rings. FS-4 turns a solo boost on and off (i.e. stomp mode-ing an EQ) and FS-5 turns a chorus on and off.

This works basically great, but in the heat of the moment I'm not always sure what is on and what is off.



Can I configure the existing led rings on FS 1-3 to change color according to the state of the boost and/or the chorus? It seems like a waste to just have them shine white if their respective snapshot is on...


Thanks a bunch!


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  • chris_one changed the title to Visualize FS-4 stomp state on led ring at XT Stomp?

To phrase it differently:

I want to be in snapshot mode, but want the LEDs color to be determined by whether the stomp-block is active.


This sounds so doable to me, so I really hope this is somehow possible...

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Hi Chris,

You can configure the LED rings on FS 1-3 to change color according to the state of the boost and chorus. In STOMP Mode, use CommandCenter to assign the footswitches and set the LED colors. Customize the settings by pressing Knob 6 and then Knob 5 to adjust the LED colors. 

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