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  1. Hi everyone, I was looking for an answer for control my Pod GO trough midi and finally I could make it using the Pod GO, an iPhone/iPad, M-Vave Chocolate, a Lighting to USB adapter purchased from AliExpress, the Apple charger, the midimittr app and the app Chocolate CubeSuite. In CubeSuite I put the B mode and in midimittr I set the FootCtrl as source and the Pod GO as destination and it works. I've tried using the M-VAVE MIDI Bluetooth USB adapter instead iPhone/iPad and the Pod Go don't receive the midi command.
  2. @sindongui I have exactly your situation, I'm from Colombia but I bought My G10 on Amazon, not from the local distributor. do you have some news about this issue?
  3. any news about this issue? My G10 base lights in white led and transmitter is always flashing a red light. what can I do for replace my transmitter or refund my money. My G10 was great before this damned firmware update. I bought it on Amazon.
  4. Hi, Same problem here. Base shows white led and transmitter a flashing red light.
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