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  1. Have you tried disabling the POD as a recording device? I don't know about MAC OS, but in Windows it would be something like Audio, Recording devices, then disable the pod and set your interface as the default device (maybe do the same in Playback devices). When you plug in the pod, I think it's taking over as the main interface.
  2. I guess I should have mentioned that I just upgraded to windows 10 from 8, but thanks anyway. I uninstalled went to the device manager and uninstalled the driver from there, then installed w/ L6 Monkey. I also changed the USB hub setting. Seems to be working so far, but we'll see. I don't think windows 10 likes the driver because it was also causing an annoying driver-related BSOD. Never had that when I was using windows 8.
  3. Almost every single time that I wake up my computer from sleep, then turn on my pod, I cannot play any sound from it. In my DAW, I cannot select any of the inputs, and cannot play anything back. The device is recognized by my computer, but L6 Monkey does not recognize that it is connected. The only way to get it working again is to restart my computer all together. I've already checked to make sure that the drivers are up to date. How can I fix this?
  4. Thanks for the reply. Is the POD HD a superior interface compared to the UX1?
  5. I am having latency issues with my newly acquired POD HD. I have it connected to my UX1, which I have been using as my audio interface, which sends the audio out to my monitors. When using direct monitoring, the latency is very noticeable, I can't record well with it. I've already set the buffer size the extra small, but this didn't help. How can I resolve this? I have never had any latency issues using the UX1 and POD Farm before...
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