So my Helix should be in in the next day or two. I know only what I've seen/read online about the device, so learning it will be 1st on the list.
So my question is; I've read a bunch of posts about them not working properly, locking up, etc after the 2.0 install. Should I hold off from installing 2.0 for now? I use snapshots/scenes with the KPA all the time, so it would be quite useful for me. I just don't want to screw it up before I even hear the thing. Are the issues with 2.0 that widespread, or is it just a few isolated incidents? Should I wait for 2.01 to address some of this stuff?
While I am asking, one thing I really like about the KPA is, when using a volume pedal, and I turn it all the way down, the tuner automatically comes up on the screen. Is it possible to run the Helix like this?
Thanks guys!