My new,( just a few days after I can return it to the store for exchange), Spider 4v 120w seems sick. I bought a FBV MkII from Amazon and plugged it in, it lit up and I ran line monkey, I updated from 1.04 to 2.0. I reset both before the update and after the update. Then my problems got worse.
I now have to use the reverb knob to get any volume with a variety of songs. Sometimes I have to turn the auto, phaser or tape echo knobs to got any volume with a variety of songs.
This is all messed up, right? Last week the amp was sweet, I set it on anything and it was loud and responsive. Then, before the update it was little weird which I put down to dirty pots (I know, new amp, pots shouldn't be an issue).
Now I plug into the FBV MKII and it won't light up. . Sorry, all the tuning lights are flashing dimly.Then I plug in the USB and the monkey doesn't see the amp or the FBV MKII.
Please tell me that I just have to do a hidden button reset or something. If I have to take in for service I'll cal it junk and throw it out and never buy line 6 again.