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  1. Went to NAMM last year and asked Yamaha (since they now own Line 6) and they basically said Yamaha has no interest in the Variax at this point. Pretty crappy if you ask me. BTW, their customer service (at least at NAMM was absolutely the worst). Very disappointing.
  2. Just wanted to give a big "shout-out" to cbrillow for being such a great resource here! I had been searching (off and on) for a Line 6 XPS-AB pedal or replacement alternative for literally months. I play live extensively with a JTV69 and a Standard and wanted a backup to my original XPS-AB pedal, especially since I didn't really want to have to worry about charging batteries. Luckily, I found his post. Not only did his solution totally work for me, he was also kind enough to answer some of my incredibly "smooth brained" questions. If I could build this solution, believe me, ANYONE can do this. Disclaimer - I'm just a guitar player with no technical background in electronics. I'm just sharing my experience. I'm NOT telling anyone to go out there and do this because I don't want to be held responsible if things aren't followed properly :-)
  3. Hi,


    Read your post on the alternate power source for the Variax thread, and have a comment or two. I'm the guy who created the original construction project that's discussed in the thread, and may be able to help.


    Best way is via email, when I can send you a diagram that I made to help out the user called Westryder.  If you wish to have a direct link with me, you can do it via, with cbrillow being the first part of the address. 

    1. scott4est


      Sorry, just saw your email. That would be great! Thanks so much! I will email you now.

  4. Wow! Thanks SO MUCH for sharing this info!! I've been trying to find a solution for about six months and am hoping this is it. I use a Variax JTV69 and a Standard professionally and don't like having to worry about batteries dying on stage. However, I'm pretty smooth-brained when it comes to electronics. I found the board (on Amazon) that was recommended in an earlier post but I'm not clear on wiring it as well as how to connect it to a TRS cable and a power supply. If you could provide any advice, I would be SUPER grateful.
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