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  1. i have had a really hard time finding it from another vendor. I checked out mouser. The problem is the pin style for the PCB. In other words the pins angle down. I can find some that are 10K pots but not for stereo so only 3 pins angle down, but not the six. I found some that have all 6 down but the resistance is off say instead of A10K its B100K. :(.
  2. is there any other place to get the replacement pot from than FullCompass? they seem to be out of stock and i am in desperate need to fix mine. same issue as above occurred.
  3. An amp i have does not have fx return, i have read others getting good sound going directly in front. So was wondering how folks were setting up those patches.
  4. Hello all, Lets say you don't have 4CM as an option into your amp. What are some suggestions of constructing a signal chain to go in the front of an amp? For example - volume pedal --> distortion --> delay --> Reverb?
  5. You guys are right . Folks want to try to use amps due to the belief that there is an element of that sounds that is difficult to capture.
  6. Hello friends, I use the 4CM into my AMP at home. However at church we are planning to use real amps instead of direct into FOH. The plan is to have the amps off stage in a side room mic'd. My question is regarding cabling. Of course at home I use that standard 1/4 cables. However there is no way my cables could be used in this situation and would also be concerned with tone loss. What do others do here?
  7. Yes, can you share some of your successful settings. Call it what you like, there is something wrong when a majority of folks are finding it difficult to dial in the Auto Swell. It should not be so difficult. I have a buddy that has an HD400, and I am able to use the Auto Volume feature to get exactly what I would expect out of this older/less expensive unit.
  8. Can you guys share your swell patches you have come up with? I too am having a hard time getting it to sound right.
  9. jyanes

    Snapshot Copy

    Thanks guys, let me give the hardware copy a shot. Thanks
  10. jyanes

    Snapshot Copy

    Is there a way within the Helix editor to copy a snapshot to another snapshot? I am using the Mac version, when i right click and copy a snapshot, there is then no option to paste on top of another snapshot. Any thoughts?
  11. jyanes

    Rubber feet

    Mine did the same thing. They are all gone now. :(
  12. Does anyone know where i could see a list of AMP models in the Helix and what Cabs they would typically be paired with? Including mic combinations? Looking for a starting point guide.
  13. Hey guys just in case there is anyone interested. I had recently upgraded to Helix Editor 2.11 from 2.02. The problem was that a bundle i had created in 2.02 would not load in the 2.11 editor for me to restore my patches. I did not need all my patches just particular ones, so... I used the python script above as a starting point to decrypt the Helix Bundle file. I loop through each setlist in the bundle and create new .HLX files for each tone within the setlist. I was then able to load through the 2.11 editor the individual .HLX files and they worked! You can find the script here -
  14. Hey friends. I am looking for others that are playing a Gretsch hollowbody with filtertron pickups. I use a Black Falcon but anyone with a similar guitar, hopefully you can help - I can get pretty good tones from the guitar and the Helix, however i wanted to see what EQ settings (parametric, etc) others may be using to tame the hollowbody. Getting the best sound you can from the guitar. I play mainly worship/rock music. So i go from clean to a bit of high gain.
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