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  1. Firmware 2.21 Assigning a CC Toggle to Footswitch setting dim value and lit value Problem: As I switch through my snapshots the values are reversed. My application: Assigning footswitch to MIDI Mix Control on my Big Sky. When I hit the footswitch it increases the mix. Unfortunately, when I change snapshots the MIX is automatically switched even without the footswitch being pressed. Has anyone else had problems with this? Is there a workaround? Should I submit a bug report? thanks JeffM
  2. Anyone else have issues with crazy digital sounds proceeding a lock up? Its happened a couple times to me since I updated to the latest 2.20 firmware. Now my unit is hung at black screen :( I submitted a support request but wanted to see if anyone else had anything like this happen and if there were known remedies. Thanks!
  3. johoffry

    SAVE-AS Preset?

    What am I missing here? I make a few tweaks to a preset and want to save it somewhere else from the editor so I STILL HAVE THE ORIGINAL. If I press 'save' it overwrites. Is there a 'Save-as' equivalent for saving a preset (from the editor)?
  4. nope, you are right. It is looking at the pedal position to determine the setting. Thx!
  5. you are right about all that and I did unassign the exp2 because it is not needed. It appears to be working now that I've done a global reset.
  6. so, I did a complete reset (9,10) and now it works fine....sheesh
  7. thx...yes, support ticket has been created
  8. seriously? you set the pan to left 100%, then saved the preset, then changed to another preset, then came back to the original preset and it was still at left 100%? Wow, I must have really done something weird to cause this then.
  9. I just posted this to support and in the bug topic: Firmware: v1.10.0 (and prior) Bug: When saving preset with Pan set to 100% Left, preset recalls with Pan set to 100% Right (Step by step description of how to reproduce bug) Add Stereo PAN and set to Left 100% Save preset and switch to another preset Come back to preset you saved and see that now Stereo PAN is set to Right 100%
  10. Firmware: v1.10.0 Bug: When saving preset with Pan set to 100% Left, preset recalls with Pan set to 100% Right (Step by step description of how to reproduce bug) Add Stereo PAN and set to Left 100% Save preset and switch to another preset Come back to preset you saved and see that now Stereo PAN is set to Right 100%
  11. This did not fix the issue for me.
  12. The problem is when streaming audio to/from the Mac via USB. It's very aggravating. I have an active support ticket on this topic.
  13. I think maybe you were running out of DSP and that is why you weren't able to select the Multitap delay. Try making another path and see if you get it. You should be able to add a mono delay no problem.
  14. I have a digitech RP500 that has USB interface to my MAC. THERE ARE NO ISSUES WITH IT. Why can't my Helix do that? Granted there are only two USB I/O.
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