Hi everyone,
I have been struggling in getting an awesome neo-classical metal tone from the HD500X. 1st I am using an ESP FR-7 with Seymour Duncan Blackouts. I use a Peavy 6505+ 1x12 combo but with an EVH5150III cab. My Peavey on the lead channel without the HD500X sounds brutal without incredible tone. The amp has a direct out so I do not have to mic it. Then I saw the 500X and did some research about the 4 cable method and I figured hell, I can have all the effects I ever want use the preamp of Peavey plus run a tube screamer in front of the amp (FX block) and viola TONE . Nope...I am clearly doing something wrong. So I figured let me just plug the pod into my PC vis USB hook the 1/4" outs L/R to my powered monitor speakers plug my guitar in grab some patches and see how that sounds. Sounds like crap, so then I went into the settings menu and ahh found the Direct/Record option so I turned that on and it still sounds like crap :/ So I plugged my guitar into my amp no pod to make sure guitar, cable etc is working properly, sure is. I am having a hell of a time! Below is everything I have and if someone could PLEASE tell me how to hook up my components in the best possible way to get the best sound for recording.
Thanks everyone!
ESP FR-7 Seymour Duncan blackouts.
6505+ Has send and receive effects, and XLR direct out
EVH 5150III Cab
Focusrite Scarlett 2i2
Two monitor speakers
Pod HD500X