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  1. Hi, Thanks. Is the RJ45 where e.g. the FBV Express MKII plugs in?
  2. Thanks for confirming that, which thinking about it makes sense. I'm just a bit concerned having read some people seem to have had issues with the Variax Standard staying in tune. Thanks again :0)
  3. Obviously the Variax would need to be in tune when using the pick ups as a standard guitar. I'm wondering if the strings going out of tune would affect its tuning when it's switched to any of the models, (or does it being out of tune become irrelevant somehow). Feedback appreciated.
  4. Hi, Can the Variax Standard be used with a Pod x3? (not HD or live) Feedback appreciated.
  5. Thanks...except my Crybaby Wah Pedal looks smaller than the FBV Express MKII :)
  6. Hi, I've got a Cry Baby 535q Wah Pedal sits between my guitar & my Pod X3. I've read that e.g. it might be better to have the Wah pedal sitting somewhere other than between my guitar & (in my case) my Pod X3. Has anyone got any advice on any advantages using the Wah on the FBV Express MKII might give me over my current set up. Thanks.
  7. Hi, I've got a Cry Baby 535q Wah Pedal sits between my guitar & my Pod X3. I've read that e.g. it might be better to have the Wah pedal sitting somewhere other than between my guitar & (in my case) my Pod X3. Has anyone got any advice on any advantages using the Wah on the FBV Express MKII might give me over my current set up. Thanks.
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