Apple supported PPC for ten years.
Microsoft have had to open-source parts of their OS due to anti-trust action (some of which was around this kind of issue)
Sony, Samsung etc? No related issue, so this is an example out of context.
GM, third party organisations exist, including new 3D printing firms, so you're not going to have the same problem.
Can I ask that if you are an "expert" that you offer solutions? Comments that actually have easy counterarguments just send out unhelpful emails to those following the thread.
Which line of javascript in the installer is calling for the wrong driver version?
Which line do I change to make it install (I already know this btw, I just need to see your real level of "expertise"
When gearbox does run, it says the driver inside the X3 is incorrect. This means that there is, quite simply, one line of code to change in the Gearbox Unix Executable. It would take them an afternoon to sort this.