For those of you using the HD500(X) directly into a PA, I am just curious what kind of volume settings you are using.
Here is what I have been doing. Just looking to see what the "best practice" would be for this and see if I am on the right track:
I am using the Left(mono) 1/4" output into a direct box and then to the mixer. The direct box is set to "Instrument", which seems to be a louder signal than "Line". I turn up the Master Volume dial all the way on the HD500X unit. The volume level on my amps is typically set to around 60, give or take depending on the amount of drive being used and which amp it is. While creating patches, I make a practice of switching between a bunch of them to ensure that my volume levels are fairly consistent. I am also setting the L and R mixer settings to "Center" for all patches, which definitely increases the volume level compared to the default where they are panned fully left and right, respectively. I am not concerned about stereo since we are not running a stereo mixer anyway. One thing to note is that when I am creating the patches, I am using my speakers at home (headphone output) and have the Master Volume at about 1/3 since maxing it out would blow out the speakers and be way too loud for comfort.
Basically, I am trying to pump a decent signal level to the mixer, have consistent volume levels between patches and not produce any clipping. So far, my method seems to work. I have tested things out over the PA and actually stood out in the seating area of the room (using a long enough cord) to listen to what it sounds like. I have not noticed any clipping problems over the PA.
Let me know your thoughts on this and what methods you are using. Thanks.