Hi all,
I just upgraded my computer. I now have a state-of-art windows 10. I plugged in my Line6 UX2 and installed drivers and Pod Farm, I ran the licence manager and authorized the computer. I re-installed Reaper. I added Pod Farm 2 VST to reaper.
I can open Pod Farm 2 stand-alone, I can also use it as VST in Reaper. Everything is fine.
Problem is, I have some recordings from before the upgrade. Many, in fact. And they are lost looking for the "Pod Farm" VST. They don't know anything about a Pod Farm 2, and besides from what I've read there are some major differences.
From what I read on the web, I can install at the same time Pod Farm and Pod Farm 2. That would probably be fine.
However when I go to the Line6 download center and select Pod Farm, I get a message "At this time, there is no software available that matches your selection."
How can I do?
Is there a way to upgrade the recordings (sounds ghastly)?
Is there a way to install Pod Farm 1, or at least its VST?
Thanks for any help or pointers