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  1. Bear with me here...there is a question further down I promise. For years I have been running a Bogner Ecstasy for live performance. In the last couple of years I have beefed up the setup with a head and rack combo case, ground control pro, voodoo labs control switcher, and a voodoo labs GCX audio switcher. I have a few stomp boxes on a rack shelf and everything is controlled via the ground controller to work the control switcher for amp channel selecting and GCX (Turning loops on and off). This setup sounds great, so there isn't anything broken here. I just purchased the Helix rack for studio mainly, to possibly replace my eleven rack I have had since its initial release. Now, for my question: To have some versatility, I was wondering the best way to run the helix into the ecstasy (which still feels wrong to think about doing it, although I am still waiting to get the helix shipped this week so I have never played one). Other option is to purchase a separate rack power amp and leave the Bogner head and effects rack at home. For now, what would be the best way to run this through the ecstasy head? I have tried to run the 11R in the past into the head and I could never get a good sound...but I am sure it was the way I was doing it. Thanks, G
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