This is a song I wrote when I was probably 15 or 16 years old, but never actually recorded (other than just by putting a tape recorder next to my amp).
I decided to put it to a drum track and see how it turned out. The patch I used is a Gibtone 185 with the gain controls set around medium and using nothing but some plate reverb and a digital delay (and a Noise Gate at the front). The drum track is from a website that provides free drum loops, and the bass was just me improvising using my guitar and the HD500X with the Flip Top bass amp and the bass octaver effect.
The track is here if you're interested in hearing it:
I originally wrote the song using a Crate G120C amp with a Digitech Digital Delay pedal (which I still had until about a year ago, and I regret selling it even with all of the built in delays on the POD and on my Vypyr). The original settings on that gear were for playing Van Halen's Cathedral, but I ended up making my own song using the same settings. I just recreated the delay I used back then on the POD for this recording. I have a little more info about it on my blog.